Communicating Well

Hi family,

Communication is vital to running any organization well, but especially a church. The church is in the communication business. We are God's people on a mission to proclaim his message clearly and without hesitation or fear. The world desperately needs hope in Jesus. His message is always relevant and necessary.

As a pastor, I feel a particular responsibility to communicate well, but the overall fragmentation of communication today is challenging. How do you communicate with everyone? Some are on social media, and some aren't. Some want a phone call, while others want a text. You may have someone's phone number but not their email address, or vice versa.

At Catalyst, we've been diligently working to communicate in multiple ways to reach as many people as possible. Our tools are varied to meet our congregational needs. Our service is live-streamed weekly on YouTube, and our sermons are uploaded to our podcast. We have a WhatsApp group where we share prayer requests and encouragements. We have a texting service where we send a weekly reminder of our Sunday service or other upcoming events. We communicate in person through our bulletins and announcements. We post on social media and send church updates via email. We are committed to keeping our church members informed and engaged.

Our church continues to experiment with the best ways to communicate well. From a pastoral perspective, I've been looking for a way to communicate in one place that is flexible enough to spread amidst different channels. This week, I started a blog for that purpose. Some may get this through an email, while others may see this on social media or our WhatsApp group. I've added our Catalyst members to our email subscriber list, but anyone is welcome to subscribe to receive updates via email through the blog website.

The Christian church has a long history and tradition of pastors writing to their congregations, including the letters from Paul and others that we read in the New Testament. I hope to carry on that tradition of writing to encourage the church through this blog. You'll receive sermon manuscripts, scriptural devotionals, and other pastoral reflections like this one. My prayer is that this content will be encouraging and helpful for you.

If you have thoughts, please participate and engage by commenting on the content. If you find something helpful, please share it with family and friends. As always, I want you to know you are valued and loved. Thank you for reading this, and keep looking to Christ in all things.

Much love,

Pastor Jason