Imagine you're trying to get to know someone you've never met. You have some facts and some different pieces of secondhand information. You have a vague idea of who they are, but you won't know that person until you meet them and get to know them.
Hebrews 1:1-2 says that God wants you to get to know him. It says,
"Long ago God spoke to our ancestors by the prophets at different times and in different ways. In these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all things and made the universe through him." Hebrews 1:1–2
If we're going to know anything about God, we need revelation. Revelation refers to a kind of unveiling, peeling back the veil. For us to know anything about God, he needs to let himself be known.
God has made himself known to the world in many incredible ways, even before we open the Bible. We look at creation, the stars, the galaxies, the universe. We look at the incredible design of our bodies or the fact that the world produces food for us.
What does that tell us about God? It tells us that God exists, that he is powerful, that he is creative, and that he provides for people. That's before we even open the Scriptures.
Why are the Scriptures important? While general revelation tells us incredible things about God, it doesn't tell us how to relate to God. For that, we need special revelation. We need God to reveal specifics about himself and how a man can get to know God personally.
Why does a man need to know God personally? That's a great question; I'm glad you asked it.
- First, man desires to know God personally. Every time someone feels hopeless like they have no purpose in life. When they look out at the world and wonder why they are here, that represents a cry within the heart to know the purpose for which God created them. It's a desire to know God personally.
- As the one who created you, God knows how you're wired. He knows your thoughts and pain. God knows the way to your heart and what will give you an incredible life because he knows your purpose.
Hebrews 1:1-2 says that God has been trying to get our attention for a long time. In the Old Testament, he spoke to us through the Law, through songs, wisdom, and warnings from the prophets. Many of these revelations in the Old Testament pointed to a greater revelation to come.
Verse two says, "In these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son." Jesus Christ is God's ultimate revelation. Everything you need to know about God is seen in Jesus Christ. If you want to know God's character, wisdom, or love, look to Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the final revelation from God. The question is, are you listening to him?