God's Watchfulness of Our Direction

"For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin." Psalm 1:6

Construction workers closed my street to traffic. It is inconvenient for those who need to drive down the street. But if one were to break the barrier of the street closure and plow ahead, they wouldn't get far. There is an enormous hole in the middle of the street. The street closure is for the public good. It prevents cars from falling into the large hole.

Similarly, God has set up barriers in life for our good. God wants us to be aware and obedient to the warnings along the path. Those barriers are for our protection and spiritual health. He has lit up the path and given us clear instructions through his word. He is watchful and present, constantly aware of our direction. 

The Bible describes the path of people in two ways: the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. The way of the wicked is like those plowing straight through the street closure, heading toward the ditch. There is no awareness of God's presence or his barriers. The world is spiritually blind toward its poisoned path and destruction that lies ahead.

The cross is the most outstanding example of God's awareness of our condition. God has made the way of the righteous available to humanity through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is the starting point of a course correction to heaven. 

But God has not called Christians to wander along the pathway as if they are still blind. He calls Christians to live empowered by the Holy Spirit, dependent on him for strength and instruction. Christians should live with intentionality and clear vision. The Bible describes one who focuses his mind and heart on God's instruction as "like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in season" (Psalm 1:3). When you meditate on God's word and instruction for your life, there will be fruit in due time.

God's awareness of our present condition is comforting for Christians. Meditate on God's watchfulness, being aware that he is always present. Our sins and our struggles are laid bare before him. Live a surrendered life today, dependent on his grace, mercy, and protection.


Thank you, Pastor Jason for this thoughtful message. It's the first one I have received. --Neighbor Nancy

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